Prologue: hagiographies of the saints

On fasting
Holy communion
On confession
Spiritual father

The Holy Apostle Peter
The Holy Apostle Peter



Saint Polyeuctus, Patriarch of Constantinople     2/18/2013

Because of his great mind, religious zeal and eloquence, Polyeuctus was called "a second Chrysostom." During the time that Patriarch Polyeuctus governed the Church and Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus ruled the empire, the Russian Princess Olga traveled to Constantinople and was baptized in the year 957 A.D. The patriarch baptized her and the emperor was her godfather. Prophetically, St. Polyeuctus said to her: "Blessed are you among Russian women, for you have loved light and cast off darkness; the sons of Russia will bless you to the last generation." From among the simple monks, Polyeuctus was elevated as patriarch in the year 946 A.D., and remained on the patriarchal throne until his death in 970 A.D.